Save The Lake Coalition
Volunteers dedicated to improving the quality of water at Chippewa Lake and the entire Upper Chippewa Late Watershed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Save the Lake Coalition?
The Save the Lake Coalition, a citizen-led group of local volunteers, is partnering with Medina County Park District (MCPD) to develop a harmful algae bloom (HAB) mitigation plan.
Why should we support the Save the Lake Coalition?
Every resident living in the Upper Chippewa Watershed has a stake in the pollution found in all of our lakes and streams. People all over the world are experiencing the toxic blooms that have affected our lake. Many public and private organizations are seeking solutions to the problem. While so far there has been no silver bullet, it is important to keep informed. Save the Lake volunteers have been able to identify potential solutions and partner with MCPD to implement them. Through your support we have a baseline study and continue to identify solutions and tools to improve the Lake. We use your donations and apply for grants to continue testing products, educate the community and invest in proof of concept trials.
Why is there a drastic jump in algae pollution numbers from one week to the next?
Bacteria die based on weather and water flow, causing a release of toxins. Once released, the water flow may move the toxin slowly or quickly out of the lake.
Why does it take two consecutive water tests to remove a health advisory but only water test to post one?
The park district follows Ohio EPA guidelines established for state parks. These guidelines state the advisory may be removed after two consecutive samples taken at least one week apart indicate cyanotoxin concentrations are below threshold levels.
What do the colored flags mean?
The flag system at the public boat launch alerts boaters and swimmers of water conditions on Chippewa Lake. Color keys are posted at the boat ramp, public beaches and private boat launch areas. These MCPD rules were reviewed in recent public meetings with ODNR and subsequently approved in ODNR rule 1501:47-7-21 Medina county park district.
Green | Lake open to all swimmers and boaters | |
Orange | Warning: algal toxins present Swimming not recommended for the elderly, children under six years of age and pets | |
Yellow | Boating permitted at idle speed only | |
Red | Danger: avoid contact with the water | |
Black | Flooded | Lake closed All boating and swimming prohibited |
Why are boats restricted to “no wake” speeds, when the cyanobacteria levels are high?
The bacteria can be ingested not only by swallowing water but also by breathing water spray from nearby jet skis or high-speed watercraft. Airborne spray is just as dangerous as drinking the water.
What is Medina County Park District doing to remedy the algae problem?
MCPD initiated a major study with AquaDoc to determine what is causing the lake’s pollution and how to best remediate the problem. Also MCPD partnered with a Cleveland-based startup to install bio-reactors as an experimental project. In the end that project did not solve the issue. With the BlueGreen Technologies successful trial in 2019, MCPD is committed to a continuing with the Lake Guard™ technology during 2020 to have further proof of its efficacy. The Park also focuses on acquiring land within the watershed to create more natural wetlands that filter water that is entering the lake.
How does the sewer and water department handle algae?
The pollution in Chippewa Lake must be addressed by MCPD, not the sewer and water department, which purifies sewer water through its water filtration facility.
How is the Chippewa Lake Village Council involved in improving lake quality?
The council’s responsibility ends at the beach. Medina County Park District is the owner of the lake and is responsible for monitoring and improving the water quality.
How can I be a good neighbor to the lake?
All residents of Chippewa Lake and Gloria Glens are encouraged to be mindful of the lawn-care products we use. We highly discourage the use of pre-emergent and glyphosphate-based weed killers, phosphorus fertilizers, dishwashing detergents, deck cleaners, etc. Most importantly, do not dispose of any pollutants in the storm drains and sewers. Visit our resources page for other tips.
Why should we avoid toxins created by harmful algae blooms (HAB)? What are the potential consequences to people and pets?
- Drinking or swallowing HAB contaminated water
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Liver or kidney toxicity
- Neurotoxicity
- Difficulty breathing
- Skin contact with HAB contaminated water
- Rashes
- Hives
- Skin blisters
- Inhaling HAB contaminated water
- Runny nose and eyes
- Sore throat
- Asthma-like symptoms
- Allergic reactions
What actions should be taken if any of the above symptoms are experienced?
Call your physician and explain you have ingested lake water known to contain cyanobacteria. The cyanobacteria in Chippewa Lake is a hepatotoxin (liver toxin). Consult the Ohio Department of Health HAB Information for Physicians for more information.
If you have bruises or breaks in skin, what are the effects of HAB? What should you do?
An open cut is more likely to become infected by bacteria, so it is recommended to wait until the wound is closed before exposure to water.
Should I keep my pet out of the lake?
When toxin levels are higher than six ppb, it is best that pets do not go into the water as they are more likely to drink the water. They are also more susceptible to the hepatotoxin than humans. As with humans, it’s best to wash pets down with fresh water to remove as much of the potential bacteria as possible when they do come in contact with the water.
Are fish caught in the lake safe to eat?
Most sources say the fish are safe to eat if all the innards are removed, and the fish is skinned and properly cleaned per standard fishing guidelines.
What are the external signs of microcystin when wading?
There is no way to identify microcystin by looking at the water. Blue-green algae, also known as harmful algae blooms (HAB), is actually bacteria invisible to the eye. Not all algae has cyanobacteria or the microcystin toxin.
Why can’t the problem be fixed faster?
This is a worldwide problem that has escalated in recent years. In Ohio, studies are being done on Lake Erie, Sandusky Bay, Grand Lake St. Marys, and other state-owned waterways. We hope to benefit from their work.
Medina County Park District — owner of Chippewa Lake — recognizes the Lake’s value to Medina County and is committed to maintaining it. They are supporting efforts to combat the blooms as well as longer term projects to improve nutrient run-off. In addition, Medina Soil and Water has invested in producing a non-point source (NPS) study. All of these combined efforts are focused on improving the Lake. It will be a long-term effort.
Where can I learn more about harmful algae blooms, and what I can do to help prevent future pollution?
Learn more about algae pollution on our resources page.
Does the Save the Lake Coalition take donations?
Yes. Donations can be sent to the Save the Lake Coalition c/o Friends of Medina County Parks. You can also donate via our Give Lively page. Information can be found on our donations page.